Iconic animal prints

Reimagined for effortless elegance   View in b...

Please tell us what you think

August 1, 2018
Please tell us what you think!
Dear Friends,

The ROM is continually developing new and unique exhibitions and programs that explore the areas of art, culture, and nature. We are currently planning a new exhibition which will open in the new year and would like your feedback on potential titles. 

This short survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete, your response will be anonymous and no personally identifiable information will be collected. The survey will close at 11:00 pm on Friday, August 10.

You are an important part of the ROM community and we appreciate your voice in this process. Thank you in advance for your feedback.

Media contact: Sally Tindal, AVP, Publications and Public Relations, 416.586.5858

The ROM relies on the generous support of donors to bring our programs, exhibitions and research to life. You can help ensure the future success of the ROM by making a donation today. www.rom.on.ca/donate | giving@rom.on.ca | 416.586.5660

The ROM is an agency of the Government of Ontario. 

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