Iconic animal prints

Reimagined for effortless elegance   View in b...

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ROM tickets are now available to September 5, 2022.

Willner Madge Gallery, Dawn of Life

ROM Gallery
Level 2, Peter F. Bronfman Hall

Take an epic journey back — about 4 billion years — to the origins of life on our planet. Enter ROM's exciting new gallery and explore, through one of the world's most astounding fossil collections, the wondrous beginnings and devastating extinctions that have shaped our planet, from the dawn of life up to the age of dinosaurs.

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#MyPandemicStory: youth create portraits of a pandemic

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Through a variety of media—written word, song, dance, sculpture, paintings, drawings, and performance art—Ontario's kids and teens have shared their stories of what it's been like to live through the pandemic. With content-driven themes that speak to struggle, loss, frustration, hope, and more, this free, ROM-original exhibition shines a light on a unique perspective and voice in these unprecedented times.

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Kore 670

On Now

This remarkable figure of a maiden, or kore, is one of the most intricate and highly decorated statues from ancient Greece. Kore 670, created between 520-510 BCE, is considered one of the most important sculptures from the Acropolis in Athens because of its fine detail and preserved colour. Now on display on the main floor at ROM.

On loan from the Acropolis Museum. Issued by the excavations at the Acropolis of Athens conducted by the responsible service of the Greek State in 1886.

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ROM Travel: The Best of Morocco

Information Session
June 8 at 6:00 PM

Join Silvia Forni, Senior Curator of Global Africa on a highlights tour of Morocco. From the Atlantic coast to the Sahara desert, Tangier to Marrakesh, tranquil Roman sites to bustling markets, we will experience art, culture and magnificent scenery. To join the information night email aylindsey@sympatico.ca

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Kent Monkman gets a major solo exhibit
at ROM

Toronto Star
Debra Yeo

Acclaimed Cree visual artist Kent Monkman will get a major solo show at ROM in the fall, including 35 works painted especially for the exhibition.

Kent Monkman: Being Legendary will open October 8 and run until March 19, 2023.

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Fountain, Hassan II Mosque, Casablanca, Morocco. © Daniele Zanni

The Face of Resilience by Valarie of Thornhill

© Acropolis Museum, photo: Giorgos Vitsaropoulos

Kent Monkman
Study for I Come from pakwan kisic, the Hole in the Sky
Acrylic on canvas
36" x 27"
Image courtesy of the artist
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