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Make Agencies More Agile

Be Nimble, Streamlined and Responsive
Adweek Webinar



Make Agencies More Agile

Be Nimble, Streamlined and Responsive
December 6, 2018
1PM ET | 10AM PT
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The need for transformative, disruptive growth is expanding marketing's role beyond communication campaigns, altering brand marketers' relationships with agencies. We've heard the warnings about consultants, insourcing and cost-cutting. To survive, agencies are feverishly transforming themselves to be more nimble, streamlined and responsive. Simply put: There's an existential need to become agile.


Attend the webinar to hear from guest speaker Jay Pattisall, principal analyst at Forrester. He will take a hard look at the challenges agencies are facing and what it will take to compete effectively in this emerging world.

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