Iconic animal prints

Reimagined for effortless elegance   View in b...

Kusama’s iconic pumpkins, ROM ghost stories & more

What's Happening
The Spooky Stories We Tell
October 29, 2021. Join ROM’s Kiron Mukherjee tonight at 8:00 PM for a special Instagram LIVE session as he shares ROM ghost stories.
#MyPandemicStory: Digital Submission Gallery
A year into the pandemic, its end was still on the distant horizon. March Break was postponed and parents, schools, and kids would have to adapt once again. We put out a call across Ontario for kids and teens, aged 4-18, to create original art about their experiences. These are their portraits of a pandemic.

View the winning submissions in ROM-original exhibition #MyPandemicStory: youth create portraits of a pandemic located just inside ROM's Bloor Street entrance, on until March 27, 2022.
New Children’s Book: Molly & the Mastodon 
In this new ROM publication, follow an unlikely pair on a journey of discovery as they explore the incredible diversity of animals on earth, and along the way uncover an assortment of fascinating facts about mammals living on land, in water, and air. With exquisite illustrations and evocative storytelling, Molly & the Mastodon will be enjoyed by booklovers of all ages. Available online and in ROM Boutique.
On Demand
“Charming, remarkably wild, and humorous”: Yayoi Kusama’s Iconic Pumpkins
In the spirit of jack-o’-lanterns, we explore Yayoi Kusama’s love for pumpkins. 
Beauty Unveiled
Two large Chinese scroll paintings recently returned to ROM after a two-year treatment at a private conservation studio in the United States. Poor conditions and red mould prevented the paintings from being on display. Now, we can finally see the paintings as they get restored to their former glory.

Pumpkin (Black) c. 1995, by Yayoi Kusama. Etching on paper, Heisei period, Japan. Gift of Deanna Horton. ROM 2018.28.1. © Yayoi Kusama.
Detail of Ladies in the Garden. ROM 921.32.112.
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