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A Sound Approach to Influencer Marketing

Build Your Queue of Recommendations and Referrals
Adweek Webinar



A Sound Approach to Influencer Marketing

Build Your Queue of Recommendations and Referrals
December 13, 2018
1PM ET | 10AM PT
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Influencer marketing isn't just a trendy marketing tactic. It's a sound business strategy. But it's important to understand that influencer marketing is a lot more than simply driving third-party recommendations from social media users with large audiences. It is actually a crucial way to seed your queue of leads and referrals. After all, Engagement Labs research found that as much as 40 percent of a brand's sales are influenced by word-of-mouth.


Register now to join digital strategist and author Jason Falls and Sprinklr senior director of influencer and analyst relations Marshall Kirkpatrick for an in-depth look at how to use influencer marketing for ecosystem seeding.

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